Around The World

Thasos (Greece) – Amazing green island

Thasos or Thassos is the Greek island in the northern Aegean Sea. It is the northernmost and 12th largest by area Greek Island. Thasos is also the name of the largest town on the island (also known as Limenas Thasou , “Harbour of Thasos”), situated at the northern side of the island, opposite to the mainland and about 10 kilometers (6 mi) from Keramoti.


I was over there 2 years in a row for summer vacation with my family. First time in 2013 and second time this summer. Overall we spent 40 days on the island.

Here is my expirience with couple of friendly suggestions and advices that will help you expirience the beauties of the island.

Let’s start.

Why should I go to Thasos?

Because it is incredibly beautiful island, totally covered with evergreen and olive trees, with huge mountains (even though island is not big it has highest point at 1400 meters above the sea level) and over 30 sandy beache with turquois lukewarm water (28* Celsius degrees). The moment you step foot at the island you will immediately fall in love. It is trully love at first sight.


How to get there

Having in mind there is no airport on the island, you can get there only by ferry. From Keramoti port on the mainland you will need about 40 minutes. In the summer time, there is a very good connection, and you can catch a ferry every 45 minutes.

There is alternative to Keramoti – city Kavala,. Distance between this two cities is only 35 kilometers, but you will need extra 2 hours by ferry if you are going from Kavala.


There are three ” bigger” towns and a lot of villages at the island. Some of them are on the sea side but some are up in the hills. The biggest are: Thasos (aka Limenas), Potos and Limenaria. Thasos is at the north part of the island, Potos and Limenas are at the south part. Distance between LImenas and Potos is 3 kilometers, and both are 45-50 kilometers from Thasos.

Our warm recommendation for accommodation goes to Villa Morfeas appartments. It is 2 kilometers from the city Thasos, on Nistery beach, less then 50 meters from the water. No road, no traffic, nothing separates villa and water.


Villa Morfeas

Nistery is one of the most beautiful beaches on the island, perfect for children, with shallow water and just ocasional and small waves. At the beach you can rent sunbeds, 5 euro pair include one drink. One caffe and one restaurant are on the baech as well.


Nisteri beach

We paid 85 euro per day for 5 bed apartment with two separate rooms, 3 terraces, kitchen, bathroom… Apartments are clean, house keeper comes every day and they are changing sheets every three days… You will a fealing like you are in five star hotel.

If you prefer some other places, you can visit website and for reasonable price find accommodation that can satisfy your needs.

Restaurants (Taverns)

There are a lot of restaurants, but we will recommend three:

thCA0JA6ZI Mouses (Limenas) – easy to find, it is 50 meters from the port, across the road. Best ratio price/quality, it offers unbelievable delicious sea food, fish and all types of meat. Our recommendation is sea food and fish, but if you prefer meat then we suggest you take lamb specialty.

Drosia (Panagia) –in the small village with the same name, 5 kilometers from Limenas, straight in the hills. Incredible tasty Lamb specialties.

O Vasilis (Kazaviti) – another small village, 20 kilometers from Limenas but in other direction from Here you can eat Lamb chops prepared from Thasos lambs. Due to the fact that there is limited number of lambs on Thasos, don’t be late for lunch cause every day they can serve only limited number of lamb chops, The price follows the exclusivity: 35 euro per kilo.

Fastfood thCAWI9GOO

You can eat gyros where ever you want, it tastes the same everywhere, just perfect. But I would recomend you try something else – visit Masabuka souvlaki bar , and you will reach gastronomic orgasm you never had. I had never eat something that tasty as souvlaky at Masabuka bar. Don’t forget to ask for kababs, mushrooms and grilled feta. This three dishes plus souvlaky are like gastronomic musketeers plus D’Artagnian…


If you like beer, you should try Fix . If you prefer short drinks, definitely your choice should be Ouzo (Greek national drink).

Ouzo is traditionally mixed with water, becoming cloudy white sometimes with a faint blue tinge, and served with ice cubes in a small glass. It can also be drunk straight from a shot glass. Ouzo is traditionally served with a small plate of a variety of appetizers called mezes usually small fresh fish, fries, olives and feta cheese. Ouzo can be described to have a similar taste to absinthe which is liquorice-like, but smoother.

Regarding wine, our choice was Retsina – it is a white resinated wine which has been made for at least 2000 years. Its unique flavor is said to have originated from the practice of sealing wine vessels, particularly amphorae, with Aleppo Pine resin in ancient times. retsina Before the invention of impermeable glass bottles, oxygen caused many wines to spoil within the year. Pine resin helped keep air out, while at the same time infusing the wine with resin aroma. The Romans began to use barrels in the 3rd century AD, removing any oenological necessity for resin, but the flavor itself was so popular that the style is still widespread today.


Northwest side of the Island:

  • Nistery,
  • La Scala,

La Scala

  • Glifoneri,
  • Pahys,

East side of the Island:


Marble beach

  • Marble beach , which was closed in 2014, but definitely most beautiful beach on the island,
  • Aliki : fancy and most expensive beach on the island in the term of sunbeds rent and last but not least
  • Paradise Beach


Please note: if there is strong wind blowing and the waves are high, water will not be crystal clear at La Scala and Pahys. The biggest waves you will see are at Paradise Beach, over there is windy all the time. Not to forget: rocky part of the Paradise beach is only for naturist. It is the only nudist beach on the island.

Giola – extremely beautiful beach but have in mind not to go after 11am because it is extremely hot and you need to walk for 2 miles without any shade. Go only if water is clear and totally still, in other cases it looks like mud. For the water to be clear it needs to be at least two days without any wind and waves.



This is ours experience, and we tried to share with you all our know-how about Thasos. We hope you like it and we hope , that once you will come to this great island and share our experience as well.

If you would like to visit places like this for a reasonable price that provide you best price/quality ratio, you can visit this site and ask for additional info:

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